Suicide Prevention


According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the United States for all ages. Every day approximately 105 Americans die by suicide and there is one death by suicide in the United States every 12 minutes.

For people between the ages of 15-24, suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death in the world with depression being the leading cause.

It is the goal of JROTC is to provide the tools necessary to identify and respond to students who are at risk of self-destruction or possible suicide.

The ability to recognize behavioral patterns and other warning signs that a person is at risk of suicide, active intervention, and ensuring that at-risk students receive the necessary services are components that are essential to the program.  Our cadets are not professional mental health experts or counselors therefore our goal is to identify students who may be in need of help and get them the expert counseling they need.

The warning signs of team suicide are found on It states that it is important to take the warning signs of teen suicide seriously and to seek help if you think you know of a teenager who might be suicidal. Some things to look for may include:

Please be aware that not all teen suicide warning signs will be present in cases of possible teen suicide. There are many cases in which a good student commits suicide. It is important to watch for two or three signs as indications of depression or teen suicidal thoughts.

If you, or someone you know, is dealing with some of the warning signs above and may be thinking about suicide, please consider contacting one of your JROTC instructors, classroom teachers, administration personnel, or another adult.