Welcome to Computing - Level 3!

June Content

Today's session is all about giving you a taste of some of the topics you will experience on your journey through the contemporary world of IT on our Level 3 Information and Technology course. These activities will give you a glimpse into the areas you are likely to study when you start with us.

This session today will be facilitated through the content on this site and the wakelet page provided. Your knowledge will be put to the test through the google form that will ask you questions about the skills you have covered throughout the taster.

Please click on the appropriate image below in order to navigate to the section of the site you require:

Some activities for you to try at home

Please visit this Wakelet Support Page if you would like any assistance with the activities listed above. It includes videos, walkthroughs and downloadable guides.

July Content

Following on from the previous session let’s take an initial look at responsive web design and how to get started with Bootstrap 4.

What is Responsive Web Design (RWD)?

“Responsive web design (RWD) is an approach to web design that enables web pages to render appropriately on a wide variety of different devices (smartphones, tablets, laptops, etc.). A website designed with RWD adapts the layout of your web content to the viewing environment by using grids. Media queries in CSS (cascading style sheets) are used to identify the resolution of the web contents browser (chrome, safari, etc.).”

Why do you think this is an important step forward when we consider the functionality and accessibility of web design?

What is Bootstrap 4?

Bootstrap 4 is a responsive framework that you can include in your website to introduce RWD functionality. Bootstrap 4 is effectively a library of CSS (cascading style sheets) and JS (JavaScript), this ‘code’ can be incorporated to utilise functionality such as the grid system.

Visit the following link to try it our for yourself:

Resources to help your learning:

Watch this video for an explanation of Bootstrap 4 Grid System!

August Content

Try the Programming Tasks from home

Programming Task Computer Science
Programming Task 2 Computer Science.pptx