Welcome to Petroc PACE +

A Level Computer Science

The information on this page will give you a flavour of what life is like studying Computer Science A Level at Petroc and help to expand your knowledge. Take a look around!

Start by watching the welcome presentation from one of our our lecturers, Michelle Semmens, and learn what the content you will be learning on the course.

Why not have a go at this month's activities. You can also gain an understanding of the careers you could go onto and find out what our current and previous students have got up to this year.

Once you are finished why not check out what else Petroc has to offer on the Life at Petroc page!

June Content

Welcome to A Level Computer Science


We live in a digital age with many industries relying on technology and software. Technology has transformed industries and talented developers, analysts and cryptographers are in demand. Computer Science skills are highly valued, not just by the large tech companies but also the banking industry, engineering, manufacturing, retail, media and communications industries. If you are thinking of studying computer science you need to have an interest in programming and how computers work, problem solving and critical thinking is a huge part of the course. You will be able to showcase your skills by designing and developing your own project and will be encouraged to work with a client.

Course Overview

The course is a two-year linear program with three core assessments. Paper 1 is a programming paper completed in a computer room and is worth 40% of your marks. Paper 2 is a written theory paper and the NEA is a software development project worth 20% of your final grade. We apply a lot of mathematical concepts to computing such as logic, mathematical expression and representing data.

Petroc Pace - A Level Computer Science

Careers in Computer Science

Theory of Computation Tasks

Have a go at the logic puzzles below. You should create your own algorithm by writing out instructions on how you solved them.


If you have taken a GCSE course in Computer Science, you will already be familiar with a variety of programming techniques. Alternatively, you may be beginning A Level Computer Science studies without any prior experience of programming. Visit the Programming page for an overview of the programming concepts we will cover in class and complete the tasks set. Model answers will appear here next month so that you can check your code.

Click the picture to access the Programming page

July Content

Try the Programming Task from home and explore future careers!

Programming Task Computer Science

Watch the video (right) to explore the different careers related to Computer Science.

August Content

Continuing on from last months Programming from home task, have a go at some more programming tasks!

Programming Task 2 Computer Science.pptx

See you in September!

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch using the contact details found at the bottom of this page.

We look forward to you joining us for your next steps!