Welcome to Petroc PACE +

A Level Chemistry

The information on this page will give you a flavour of what life is like studying Chemistry A Level at Petroc and help to expand your knowledge. Take a look around!

Start by watching the welcome presentation from one of our our lecturers, and learn what content you will be learning on the course. You can also find an activity to try at home.

Once you are finished check out what else Petroc has to offer on the Life at Petroc page.

June Content

Petroc Pace - A Level chemistry

An activity for you to try at home

Create a poster detailing the history of the Periodic Table

The Periodic Table is a chemist’s most important resource. Dmitri Mendeleev is considered to be the creator of the Periodic Table we use today, but there were many different versions proposed before this.

You will find the following websites useful:

You might find this video helpful!

July Content

Petroc Pace - A Level chemistry

A new task: Atoms

All matter is made up of atoms. The word atom comes from the Greek word atomos, meaning indivisible. One of the first atomic theorists was Democritus, an ancient Greek philosopher, and since then, there have been several scientific theories and models proposed. Today, a chemist generally views an atom as the smallest unit of matter that has the properties of an element. It is composed of a dense core called the nucleus and a series of outer shells occupied by electrons.

Create a poster timeline detailing the history of the atom: theories and models.

You will find the following website useful:

Don’t forget to listen to this as you’re creating your timeline!

Atomic Theory Song Chemistry

Enrichment activities

You'll have the opportunity to attend talks by specialists in the industry!

Our students take part in a wide range of super-curricular activities designed to stretch & challenge, and promote a deeper understanding of the subject. You can have the opportunity to engage in a Spectroscopy masterclass and enter competitions during British Science Week!

August Content

Produce a 3D model of the atom

Whilst we can’t do much practical chemistry at home at the moment - I would like you to use the knowledge you gained about the structure of the atom in the last task to produce a 3D model of the atom that we can display in the chemistry laboratory in September.

I would like you to be as creative as possible, you can use whatever resources you may have at home.

I have included some images below to give you some ideas:

See you in September!

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch using the contact details found at the bottom of this page.

We look forward to you joining us for your next steps!