Life Skill PSA

How can we encourage students to use life skills? When you create a video or graphic about a life skill, consider describing how that life skill could be used in specific situations, like some of these:

  • if a super hero was using it?

  • a character from a movie?

  • a character in a book?

  • lyrics from a song?

  • in a class at school?

  • during lunch or break at school?

  • at home?

  • in the Safeway parking lot?

  • while shopping in a store?

  • in a restaurant?

  • with friends?

  • when you're alone?

3. Create a graphic and 2-anchor script on a KJHS life skill - see directions below:

PSA Adobe Spark graphic + script

4. Use WeVideo or Adobe Spark to make a video PSA on a life skill.

Video Editing with WeVideo
Adobe Spark for videos

5. Add your Life Skill work to the PSA folder on the ALL KTV FOLDERS page of our website AND add it to your own KTV folder.