Mentor-RE/Protege Pairing Procedure

The Entry-Year Program Coordinator will present a list of mentors to the Assistant Superintendent and the building principals. The Assistant Superintendent, the building principals, and the Entry-Year Program Coordinator will collaborate on the mentor-RE/protégé pairs.

The procedures are:

A. The Entry-Year Program Coordinator will present a list of trained mentors to the Assistant Superintendent and building principals each April/May. The Assistant Superintendent and building principals will suggest potential mentors to be trained with consideration given to known openings within the district/building based on common grade level, content area, and building. The individual selected for mentor training will have been active in his/her own professional development and will have shown evidence of that in his/her own practice.

B. Once a teacher is hired with the district, the Entry-Year Program Coordinator will contact the building principal to determine the mentor-RE/protégé pair the principal requests. The Entry-Year Program Coordinator and Entry-Year Committee members may make mentor suggestions, if asked by either the Assistant Superintendent or building principal.

C. The Entry-Year Program Coordinator will contact the requested mentor with the proposed pairing and communicate the Entry-Year Program expectations and the stipend for participating as a mentor.

D. If the proposed mentor declines the position, the process will begin again with step B.

E. After the first observation but prior to the start of the second semester, unless there are extenuating circumstances, either the mentor teacher or the resident educator may exercise the option to have a new mentor assigned. No specifics shall be given as to the exercise of the option and no prejudice or evaluation is to be given such change. The process will begin again with Step B.