Laptop Help

The Penn Manor Help Desk provides support for students experiencing login and laptop device problems. 

Help Desk Resources 

Requesting Help

Sending an email to is the most efficient way to contact tech support. If you are unable to email you can call  717-842-4519. Please include the following information:

Providing this information will help to expedite your request to the correct technician. You should expect to hear from the technology support desk within 2 school days.

Camera Not Working in Google Meet?

Note: This video is for a  Windows computer, the camera setting feature applies to student computers as well.

Microphone and Camera Check 

Please contact Student Support if you have trouble with your camera or microphone.

Camera not working?

Try restarting your laptop. If the problem persists, email Include your name and school building in the email. Please confirm that you have restarted your laptop and have run software updates before submitting the email.

Home Wifi Connections

To connect your school laptop to a home network: 

Clearing Cache and Cookies in Chrome