usernames & Passwords
To log onto the Chromebook and Google Worksapce, use your school email address and your school Google password.
Google passwords can be reset by any teacher, counselor, secretary, or administrator in your building. Passwords must be at least 10 characters long. They are cAse senSitiVe.
Effective November 2023
To increase student account security, middle school Google logins are restricted to district Chromebooks only. To log into Penn Manor Google services from a home laptop or phone, two-step authentication (2FA) must be enabled.
Your Penn Manor Student ID is the key to accessing school websites. Student ID's are assigned by the district.
Student usernames are
Tip: Longer passwords are better passwords!
Example: Hock3yizc00!wint3r
The Speed Dial Page is Aweseome!
Most school links are posted to our Speed Dial Page.
Student Sapphire is your online portal for academic information.
Your username is your Student ID number. Your password has been provided to you. See the building office if you have forgotten your password. Classroom teachers do not have this information.
Parents and Caregivers
We encourage you to create a private login separate from their child’s account. Get started here!
Academic Records
School Announcements