Family & Community Engagement

mrs Patrick

Family Engagement Officer

mrs Jenkins

Community Focused schools manager

family Engagement

Mrs Patrick is the school's Family Engagement Officer. She organises a wide range of fun programmes for parents and family members to complete with their children in school. These programmes can help children with their learning and can give parents/ family members a valuable insight into their child's education. We run all sorts of programmes, cookery clubs, story clubs, maths and reading cafes, forest schools (outdoor learning) and craft clubs. Information about which programmes your child's class are involved in will be shared on Class Dojo. 

Mrs Rebecca Patrick

Tel:  01656 815730


Community focused School

Research shows that a well-developed community school approach can improve attendance, behaviour, attainment and aspirations of children and young people. This approach can also impact positively on the lives of family and community members helping to develop communities that are thriving, empowered and connected. Mrs Jenkins, our Community Focused Schools Manager, coordinates our partnership working with other cluster schools to ensure that we are working together as a learning community. Our model reflects a whole-system approach and is informed by Welsh Government Guidance. Working from early years to post-16 is crucial to the success of our children and young people. What is best for our children and young people remains at the heart of this model. The 3 key elements of parental and family engagement, community involvement and the multi-agency approach are interconnected.

home learning

In setting home learning we aim to:

From Nursery to Year 6, Parent/Carers are encouraged to take an active part in the child's home learning, and reinforce the importance of completing the work to the best of the child’s ability. Parent/Carers are asked to read regularly with their child, and record this in the child's reading record. As a Google Reference School, Google Classroom is used widely to help structure other home learning. Parent/Carers are asked to sign a digital home/school agreement. This links to our 'Positive Relationships' policy, which encourages home/school partnerships.