Welcome to Frontline! 

(Formally My Learning Plan) 

Frontline is your platform for tracking and reflecting on your professional development 

Need help or have questions? Contact your Professional Development Representative to schedule an appointment!

Campton Elementary School:

AJ Coppola (acoppola@pemibaker.org)

Brooke Duchette (bduchette@pemibaker.org)


Plymouth Elementary School: 

Jacquelyn Reed (jreed@pemibaker.org

Sarah Thompson (sthompson@pemibaker.org)

Rumney Elementary School:

Ben Ludwig (bludwig@pemibaker.org)


Wentworth Elementary School 

Rachel Troiano (rtroiano@pemibaker.org)

Holderness Elementary School:

Heather Goodwin (hgoodwin@pemibaker.org)

Liz Chafee (lchafee@pemibaker.org)

Plymouth Regional High School:

Emelia Fleck (efleck@pemibaker.org)

Doug Ross (dross@pemibaker.org)

Thornton Elementary School:

Amy Gagnon (agagnon@pemibaker.org)

Waterville Valley Elementary School:

Sarah Stoppe
