Curriculum and Professional Resources 

Professional Development and Literature

Here you will find the best of what the Marshall Memo has published to-date. What is the Marshall Memo?

"The Marshall Memo... is designed to keep principals, teachers, instructional coaches, superintendents, and other PreK-12 educators well-informed on current research and best practices.... To produce the Marshall Memo, Kim subscribes to scores of carefully-chosen publications... and selects 8-10 that have the greatest potential to improve teaching, leadership, and learning.... Kim writes a brief summary of each selected article, provides e-links to full articles (if available), highlights a few compelling quotes," and sends these summaries out to the Memo's subscribers weekly. 

This document answers many of the questions teachers have about sharing materials with students. If you want to make sure you are sharing information and resources responsibly, check out this resource. 

Resources and Lessons

"The Choices Program creates engaging educational resources and makes innovative scholarship accessible to diverse classrooms. Choices curriculum empowers students to understand the relationship between history and current issues while developing the analytical skills to become thoughtful global citizens."

In order to access Story Preservation's collection of resources, you will need to create an account. Don't worry, it's free!

"The grades 4-12 Story Preservation Learning Lab is a unique online collection of primary source audio stories told by extraordinary people in the fields of the arts, sciences, and humanities, as well as those who have lived through significant historical events. SPI stories educate, inspire, and serve as a jumping-off point for meaningful, real-world relevant learning. Some of the people in our collection are well-known, others are working behind scenes opening up new avenues of thought and ways of living. All of our contributors tell stories that inspire young people and challenge them to be their personal best.

Many of our recordings are coupled with project ideas and standards-aligned lesson plans, along with transcriptions and some never-before-seen photos. Everything here is available for you to use and listen to as you wish."

Resources from DESE