Atrocities Against Native Americans

1500 - 1900


"Explore this chronological timeline written by Dr. Karina Walters, containing historically traumatic events, settler colonial policies, and Native resistance movements. "

View online exhibitions, the Museum's Archive Center, and more.

This is an archive of sources by and about America's Indigenous People and their history.

The Native American Heritage Month website has a large number of links to various resources that relate to Native American history.


Learn about why many Native Americans call Thanksgiving the National Day of Mourning,

NBC reports on the Native American Boarding Schools in the United States.

The Smithsonian's National Museum of the American Indian explains how Indigenous people were treated and displaced throughout American history.

This video discusses how the US Government created and broke many treaties with Native Nations throughout history, and explains what the United States would look like if it honored these treaties.

Crash Course tackles the history between the European settlers and the Native People of America from the first English colonists to approximately 1678.