Cambodian Genocide

1975 - 1979




The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum has a designated page the gives an overview of what happened in Cambodia.

Here you will find testimonies of the Cambodian Genocide.

In addition to explaining the Cambodian genocide, this website also includes maps, documents, and first hand accounts

Curated by the Colorado Department of Education, this site allows visitors to view their collection of photographs from during and after the Cambodian Genocide. Please be aware that some photographs may be troubling.


This video gives an overview of the Cambodian Genocide.

This award winning, full length documentary focuses on the S21 Prison that was active during the Cambodian Genocide. An interrogator, member of the secret police, and a survivor are interviewed as the film makers reveal the autrocities that happened.

A journalist meets with young Cambodians as they try to come to terms with their country's horrific past.

This 55 minute documentary explains the events that occured and the people who where involved in the Cambodian Genocide.