Teacher Resources

Massachusetts Genocide Education Information

Find information about Bill S.2557 that mandates genocide education in Massachusetts public schools here. 


Teacher Resources

"The Genocide Education Project (GenEd) seeks to assist educators in teaching about human rights and genocide, particularly the Armenian Genocide, by developing and distributing instructional materials, providing access to teaching resources and organizing educational workshops." 

"This Educator Resource page is designed to provide teachers with a variety of materials that can enhance and supplement your Holocaust and genocide instruction. In keeping with our educational philosophy of “Safely Explore, Prepare and Conclude” (SPEC), we have designed these resources to engage students and foster critical and compassionate thinking so that they better understand the events of the Holocaust and see the victims as people, not just numbers."

To access this collection, you will need to create an account. Don't worry, it's free!

"SPI’s 1st-person Holocaust stories help young people better understand this critical period of history.  The stories in the collection originate in Germany, Belgium, Hungary, and Poland.  All of those who shared their story were under the age of ten when Hitler’s army invaded.  These children experienced the aloneness of kindertransport, becoming a 'hidden child' and life in a Jewish ghetto.  And, without exception, they tell of the “unsung heroes” who risked their lives to protect them."