
Cultural Revolution

1966 - 1976


The Wilson Center provides profiles of the people involved in China's Cultural Revolution and primary sources from this time.


BBC gives a brief overview of China's Cultural Revolution.

A son who denounced his mother during China's Cultural Revolution reflects on the Revolution and his part in his mother's execution.

Nanjing Atrocities

(Sometimes spelled Nanking)

1937 - 1939




This site has a number of documents and photographs about the Nanjing Massacre. This includes diaries, eyewitness statements, photographs and more.

Please note that some links on the website no longer work, but the majority of them do.

"This web site provides access to first hand accounts and photographs from Westerners who remained in Nanking after the Japanese invasion. These resources do not provide a comprehensive understanding of what occurred in Nanjing during 1937-1938, but the observations made by these men and women provide an important historical lens to complement additional research." 

"The mission of [the organization] BC ALPHA is to foster understanding, redress, and reconciliation related to the tragedies of WW II in Asia. [They] also support the long-overdue redress for victims of the Asian Holocaust.  The ultimate aim of ALPHA is to work for peace and justice."

"This exhibit focuses on the memories of the Nanjing Massacre of December 1937." 


This video gives an overview of the Nanjing killings done by the Japanese army in China at the beginning of WWII.

In this full length interview, Xia Shuqin, an activist and survivor of the Nanjing massacre, tells her story.

"Xia Shuqin was 8 years old when most of her family was murdered in their home during the Nanjing Massacre. In December 1937, the Japanese army killed some 300,000 civilians and unarmed soldiers over the course of two months in the massacre."

Wang Gui-Ying recalls her story about the events at Nanjing.

Survivor's Testimony: Nanking Massacre - Zhang Xiu-Hong

A Nanjing survivor tells her story.


(Sometimes spelled Uighurs)

2014 - Present


The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum has a designated page the gives an overview of what is happening to the Uyghur population in China.

Yale has compiled a number of resources about what is happening to the Uyghurs in China.


BBC reports on what China says is going on in their re-education camps, vs what seems to be the reality of the situation.

Journalists pose as tourists while they visit the heavily policed areas in China where Uyghurs are being arrested and "re-educated."

The BBC reports on the credible accusations of crimes against humanity and genocide coming out of China.