Educational Resources:  Holocaust, Genocide, and Ethnic Cleansing 

On December 2, 2021, Governor Baker signed Bill S.2557. This Bill requires every public middle school and high school in Massachusetts to provide instruction on genocide. 

In this pathfinder, you will find information and resources that support this educational requirement. If you are a member of the Peabody Public School District in Peabody, MA and believe a resource or topic should be added to this pathfinder, please submit it to the library team for consideration (email can be found below).

Please be aware that the content covered in this pathfinder is violent and troubling. Some content, images, and videos may be graphic.  

Please proceed with caution. 

Pathfinder Highlights

Photo by Julie Pease

Find direct links to specific databases in the PVMHS collection and book lists from the PVMHS library collection.

The Website Resources page includes links to outside sources that cover the topic of genocide. You will also find links to pages that cover specific instances of genocide and human rights violations throughout history.

Photo by Ben Kolde on Unsplash 

Find virtual field trips to museums and landmarks here. Additionally, videos that cover the concept of genocide or talk about multiple instances of genocide can also be found here. 

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash 

This page includes information about Bill S.2557, lesson plans and resources on the topic of genocide.


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contact Julie Pease at 

to get more information about how to use this pathfinder.