QM lecture 9

CHAPTER-9 FROM THE HAMILTONIAN EQUATIONS TO THE SCHRODINGER EQUATION. The case of an electron propagating in a crystal lattice

9.1 Hamiltonian for an electron propagating in a crystal lattice
9.1.A Defining the Base States and the Hamiltonian Matrix
9.1.B Stationary States
Energy bands
9.1.C Time-dependent States
Electron wave-packet and group velocity
Effective mass (case of low energy electrons)
9.2 Hamiltonian equations in the limit when the lattice space tends to zero
9.2.A From a discrete to a continuum basis
9.2.B The dependence of amplitude probability on position: ψ=ψ ( x, t )
9.2.C Equation describing an electron in an external potential V = V( x, t )
9.3 The Postulated Schrodinger Equation


Feynman lectures Vol. III, Chapters 13 and 16.