QM Lecture 13

  I. Slides summary

 II. Introduction

III. Working principle of the quantum teleportation method proposed by Bennett

    IV. Light propagation in birefringent materials

           The Fresnel ellipsoid of an uniaxial crystal

           Propagation of ORDINARY and EXTRAORDINARY waves

      Spontaneous parametric down-conversion process  

           Matching conditions: Type-I and Type-II  nonlinear crystals

V.   Classical and Quantum Bits (QUBITS

           Generation of a Pair of Qubits  (A two-photon system)

      How to generate entangled  two-qbit  states  (EBITS)

      Bell States

      The no-cloning theorem

VI.  Analytical description of the proposed quantum teleportation

VII. Implementation of  Bell-states measurement

                 Type-I matching condition for up-conversion process

                 Type-II matching condition for up-conversion process