QM Lecture 14


 CASE: Spin one     (The Feynman Lectures on Physics Vol. III Ch. 5)      

    1.   Summary transformation of coordinates

    2.   Apparatus to Measure the spin: The Stern-Gerlach Apparatus

            The Modified Stern-Gerlach Apparatus

    3.   Experiments with spins

                 Experiments with two similar filters in succession: Amplitude Probability

                 Experiments with filtered atoms

                 Stern-Gerlach filters in series: Once filtered, atoms lack memory of their states in the past

    4.   Base states

    5.   The distinctive feature of quantum mechanics: the interference of the amplitude probabilities

                 Our Fundamental Quantum Law

    6.   Summary of important general laws about amplitudes

              7.   The machinery of quantum mechanics: How to describe the behavior of a complicated apparatus A

CASE: Spin one-half        (The Feynman Lectures on Physics Vol. III Ch. 6)       

              1. Summary of Transformation of Coordinates 

              2. The Stern-Gerlach Apparatus

              3. Selection of the spin-basis     

          Central question

          The reference basis  

    The rotated basis

    4.  Calculation of the relationship between  thebasis  and  the rotated  basis for arbitrary rotations

        Rotation around the z-axis

            APPENDIX A. Transformation of coordinates under the rotation of the reference axes

            APPENDIX B:  Angular Momentum and Magnetic Dipole Orbital angular momentum