What are your plans following graduation? Listed below are some excellent resources to help you make that decision.

Missouri Connections is a web-based resource to help students determine their career interests, explore occupations, establish education plans, develop job search strategies, and create resumés. The website is located at: http://www.missouriconnections.org/ A user name and password have been assigned to all PHS students. If the student does not remember their user name or password, please have them contact the Counselors Office.

Program of Study

Once a student has decided which career cluster they are interested in, the Program of Study will help direct the student to classes the student should enroll in to reach their goal. The Program of Study can be found here.

Are you interested in possibly a health career?

Using salary, job outlook and educational information from the Missouri Economic Research and Information Center (MERIC), the Missouri Hospital Association has developed an interactive career website at www.missourihealthcareers.com to encourage young people to consider careers in health care.

The site features blogs and videos, and a youth-minded career quiz called “Diagnose Your Future” that can help gear students toward careers fitting their personality and goals.

The website describes nearly 100 health-related jobs, offering at-a-glance info-graphics that succinctly show salary, job outlook, education required, level of patient interaction and the “Blood-O-Meter” that shows how much blood might be part of a particular job.

Unsure about the training needed for your career path? Curious about multiple careers but want to compare training and costs?

MoSCORES is a statewide system that allows users to explore programs at different education levels. This includes technical and traditional degrees.

Find more information at jobs.mo.gov/jobseeker/training-and-education.