Nick Seidl

March 2023: PCAGGR thunderhillwest. Here is baobao, the track kitty of Jeanie law

About me

My name is Nick, and I'm a Bay Area native, currently living in San Francisco. I left briefly to Boston for school (Computer Science), but I couldn't resist the allure of the beautiful nature, so am back in California! When I'm not enjoying the backroads near Alice's or cruising north of the Golden Gate Bridge, I'm probably editing some photographs or walking around the city. 

How did you get into Porsche? 

I have always been a fan of Porsche because of their focus on driving experience (and not best lap times, or horsepower or torque, or flashiness...). I finally got into my own during the beginning of 2021. Partially due to COVID, I realized that the backseats in my sedan were not being used at all! So, I decided to go for a fun car with no back seats, to "optimize" the driving experience... bonus points for convertible to maximize fresh air :) So, there was only one reasonable choice, because there is no substitute... Porsche Boxster! 

January 2023: First photoshoot with home city

January 11,2023: Delivery day!!!

Why do you drive? What motivates you? Do you have any goals? 

I drive because I enjoy the sensory experience! I truly love everything that you feel when you drive a Porsche, like upshifts and downshifts, accelerations and decelerations, the camber of the road when you're motoring along, and even the 2nd to 1st gear clunky downshift (PDK) adds to the charm. Feeling the car idle when you're at a stop light and noting the differences in engine sounds depending on what you're doing add to the experience. These days we are in our cars for so many hours out of our lives, I made the choice that these hours should be as fun and enjoyable as possible, and couldn't be happier!

I am a nerd by nature and by training, so naturally I always thinking about this like "how can I carry a few more MPHs through this corner?" The minute adjustments and improvements, whether it is on the street or on the track, motivate me to keep improving driving skills. My overall goal is to become a quicker driver on track, and a smoother driver over all! 

What kind of Porsche(s) do you have or did you have? 

In March 2021, I bought a pre-owned Agate Grey Metallic 2016 Porsche Boxster S. In January 2023, I took delivery of a new Shark Blue 2023 Porsche Cayman GTS 4.0. In the future, I am looking forward to something with a wing... but this will need to wait until I have a "normal" car to go grocery shopping and commute in :D 

March 2023: First time on track(PCAGGR at thunderhill west)

January,202: Friends group drive to cars and coffee

What is your dream Porsche and why? 

My dream Porsche changes multiple times every single day depending on the mood and what photos I have seen on social media that day, likely a common conundrum amongst all Porsche enthusiasts! For now, my dream Porsche is one with a wing, optimized for track performance, and not necessarily street comfort. GT-something, like 991.2+ GT3, or 718 GT4. 

What is your favorite style of driving? (Track day, Autocross, Mortoring...) 

All of the above! They all have their own merits, and I enjoy each for what they are best for. I will say, that the most overall pleasurable is likely the group motoring events. Cruising with like-minded enthusiasts just has a vibe that Track and Autocross can't compete with :) 

Do you have a favorite driver? 

My favorite driver is Lando Norris, for McLaren Formula 1. Unfortunately they have not had dominant success... yet ;) I like him due to his temperate and composed attitude! 

May, 2023: PCAGGR fun run

June, 2023: PCAGGR track at thunderhill east

Are you currently working on a car project? 

Unfortunately I do not have a car project. I hope this will change it the not-to-distant future, as I get more garage space! 

Is there a local auto shop you recommend? 

I have taken my Porsches to Response Motors in Mountain View for normal services, and to BR Racing in Los Gatos for more track and performance service. Both shops provide excellent service, and the technicians love chatting to you about whatever you are interested in. 

May,2023: Highway 35 cruise

September, 2021: PCAGGR mammoth lakes trip yosemite in my old boxster

What has been your favorite drive so far? 

My favorite driving roads in the Bay Area are the ones north of the Golden Gate Bridge on Highway 1. They're extremely beautiful, road quality is excellent, and not so much car traffic!

My favorite drive overall though is PCA GGR's annual trip to Mammoth, California. Beautiful views comined with tasty food and awesome company can't be beat. 

Do you have any tips for those looking to get into driving and/car event? 

As soon as the announcement email is sent, create a calendar event and/or alarm for a few minutes before the registration time and date. Have your webpage logged in, and ready, at least a few minutes before registration opens! Due to overwhelming enthusiasm in the PCA GGR region for Porsche events, they are often "sold out" within the first few minutes. Set an alarm so you don't miss the opportunity :)

Porsche enthusiasts love the entire community and experience rather than only liking extremely expensive or rare cars. So, it doesn't matter which one you have - everyone will love it, and love meeting you! 

October,2022: PCAGGR halloween fun run

What would you like to see the GGR club do?

I would like to see GGR continue doing 1x Cars and Coffee per month, in addition to 1x Social Drive per month! These events are excellent, casual, fun ways to socialize with other enthusiasts! 

March,2023: photoshoot with goldengate bridge

May,2023: PCAGGR funrun

Would you be willing to participate in a future Porsche events? 

This is a rhetorical trick question. Obviously, YES! Looking forward to remaining events in 2023, like Werks and Rennsport Reunion. Still hoping for Mammoth to be reschuled to October, fingers crossed! 

How many Porsches do you own? 

One. But in my mind, many :D 

March, 2023: First time on track with PCAGGR at thunderhill west

September, 2021: In my old boxster. Anika asleep during PCAGGR mammoth :)

Member of a car club other than GGR? 

Not currently, but love going to several Car Garages around the bay, like AutoVino and The Spot SF. I also enjoy hanging out with some fellow car enthusiasts from work. 

Can people follow you on Instagram or facebook? 

Absolutely. Follow @nickdrives_ to tag along the adventure! 

Any future drving or event plans? (drive, events, etc) 

I cant wait for the next multi-day PCA GGR Caravan! Also, I am hoping to do an extended roadtrip to Pacific Northwest, as well as Southern California. Cars are meant to be driven and enjoyed! Miles of smiles! 

February,2023: First loma mar store visit!

June,2023: With PCAGGR member - Diana's new car

Can people reach out to you for a driving tips if they are in your area? 

Yes, please do! I have spent lots of time driving the mountain roads near Alice's and Santa Cruz Mountains (Highways 9, 35, 84; Pescadero Creek), as well as north of Golden Gate Bridge, mainly Highway 1! 

Is there something your GGR members who may be reading this may not know about you? (car related) 

My car previous to Porsches was a 2015 Audi S3, with a Stage 2 tune and some bolt-on modifications. Very different experience than Porsche, but fun in different ways :) 

February,2023: First alices run

February, 2023: Work parking buddy!

For the Porsche enthusiast, can you share any tips from any or all of your Porsche? 

Keep up with your regular maintenance! Treat your cars right and they will treat you right! Unofficial tip: use sport mode at least one time a week. Your vehicle needs to stretch its legs! 

Any Porsche stories you want to share? 

It has happened several times that while driving along I give another Porsche driver the peace sign, and we connect later on Instagram! So, lesson of the story: share the love! You never know who you will meet! 

When you are done with a long day driving event and get to cafe, what do you order? 

Coffee. Black. And maybe some tasty pastry if I'm feeling a tad peckish! 

Doughnuts, Cupcake, or Cookie? 

Impossible decision. But... cookie. Chocolate chip is the benchmark, and how I judge cafe's and bakeries. 

Februray,2023: First highway1 drive olema at pitstop