Attract - Prepare - Retain (APR) Repository

Attract, Prepare, and Retain (APR) is a priority of Pennsylvania's Bureau of Special Education (BSE) with a primary focus that is three-fold:

APR Infographic-2-20-24.pdf

The Special Education Teacher Pipeline in Pennsylvania

The Bureau of Special Education is working with The National Center for Analysis of Longitudinal Data in Education Research  (Calder) to measure the impact of Pennsylvania's efforts to attract, prepare, and retain special education personnel through focused projects and grants. 

These reports summarize findings from the long-term research project on the special education teacher pipeline in Pennsylvania and Attract-Prepare- Retain (APR) projects.

Author(s): Roddy Theobald, Equia Aniagyei-Cobbold, Marcy Stein - Jul 2024

CALDER Year 2 Report - 2023-2024.pdf

Author(s): Roddy Theobald, Equia Aniagyei-Cobbold, Marcy Stein - Jul 2023

CALDER PA Year 1 Report.pdf

If you, or someone you know, will be student teaching in the Fall of 2024 or Spring of 2025, apply now! 

The application is available on the PHEAA website.

Visit the #PANeedsTeachers Solution Playbook to learn of innovative strategies Pennsylvania schools, organizations, and agencies are using to attract, prepare, and retain teachers.

Want to learn more about the local impact of the teacher shortage? View the report by Ms. Laura Boyce, Teach Plus Pennsylvania and Dr. Ed Fuller, Penn State University.

Interested in Obtaining a Special Education Teaching Certification? 

If you want to earn a bachelor's degree and obtain a special education teaching certification, review the specific steps for special educators on this guide.

PDE Pathway to Instructional I for Special Education Certifications - 3.20.24.pdf
APR_PDE Pathway to Spec Ed Cert_4-23-24wba.pdf

Looking for Teachers? 

Schools should consult with their solicitor concerning the specific legal requirements regarding hiring or employment issues related to the staffing solutions offered below. Contact Eli Downie at for more information. 

Retired Teachers

Educators From Other States

The PA Department of Education (PDE) CAN issue a comparable certificate to a teacher from another state or U.S. territory if the educator: 

Temporary Certificates for Substitute Teachers

Paraprofessionals as Classroom Monitors

Emergency Permits

Prospective Teachers as Substitutes

An Introduction to Pennsylvania's Focus on  Attract-Prepare-Retain 

Special Education Personnel Shortages in Pennsylvania 

Shortages for most certification areas are trending downwards. The Pennsylvania Department of Education, Bureau of of Special Education is committed to offering short and long term strategies to support Local Education Agencies and effect these shortages. 

Bar graphs represent Instructional I Special Education certificates issued from school year 2013-2014 through 2021-2022. The trendline (dotted line) indicates the projected (future) certificates to be issued. 

Data used with permission - Report on Educator Certificates Issued by the Pennsylvania Department of Education as required under Act 82 of 2018.

Considerations for Utilization of Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Spending 

Considerations for ESSER Monies - 3-25-22.pdf

The list above represents considerations for the utilization of ESSER funding as it relates to the attraction, preparation, and/or retention of special education personnel.

Make a Suggestion! Your Ideas Count

Do you have a suggestion, recommendation, or idea, to attract, prepare, or retain special education personnel? The Bureau of Special Education is interested in hearing from you.

Complete a comment form by clicking on the suggestion box to the left.