Experiential Learning Opportunity: 

Summer Opportunities

Summer opportunities are designed for students to interact directly with students with disabilities during Extended School Year

Extended School Year (ESY)

Deer Lakes School District 

Job Readiness Skill Development

Students will be able to participate in a Summer Experiences connected to ESY as counselors, coaches, or buddies within onsite opportunities to support students with disabilities in non-school related off-site experiences. 

Global Leadership Academy

Summer Internship

Scholars interested in becoming teachers, will read to and work with scholars provided ESY services in a small group classroom setting and assist the teachers in preparing materials for lessons. 

Intermediate Unit 1  

Peer Volunteer Opportunities

High school students will volunteer during IU1's 2023 Extended School Year (ESY) program. Students will directly observe and work alongside various professionals to gain firsthand knowledge of these positions.

Upper Saint Clair School District

 Extended school year (ESY) Volunteer TA Program

Students will have the opportunity to work in the ESY program as volunteer teacher assistants and be mentored by special education teachers.