"Wasted Times"

by Prathysha K

Beshrew me! For the insidious goddess did beguile mine fickle breast!

But the alluring bawd was a mere star in distant twinkle while thy burneth a flaming sun

Aye wallow me in sorrow, for she shrouded thy love of which I am now bereft

Verily sith I remain guilty, reminiscing thy caress like bittersweet passions now undone

Ere thou bade me merry and thou sentenced me to perdition

Yet remaineth I transfixed by thy inamorata’s spell

Prithee dear angel! Light the world again, for mine mind is tortured by thy rendition

Selfishly I yearn for thee, forsake me our last farewell

But is it haply too late? For what sirrah now owns thy heart?

Art thou his sovereign in the new kingdom of love?

Fie insolent muse! Why can’t thou accept the apologies I impart?

For has as lief die than envy he who’s become thy new dove

Alack! No matter the mountains I climb, the times by thee mine heart is ripped atwain

Bereft of you I remaineth falling, aimlessly like drops in summer’s rain