
by Ben E

‘cause the present day I've hath found mineth friends

Lest I so joyous, though those gents but a figment

But it matters not, Thou is hideous, like a toad, ugly and venomous

That's well enow, 'cause as art thee

Thus, we ‘a shattered glass

Not a care I hath for always the Sabbath, And lest I not afeard

Light mine candles, dazed, 'cause I hath found God

So dearn I am, that's well enow, I shaved mine headeth

And lest I not depress'd , just maybe lest I censure for all I've hath heard

But lest I sure I so excit'd

I cannot stand but more than a second, For before God thou I shall see

My heart cannot beat without thee, lest I not gonna

Love of the heart and not of mind, lest I not gonna crack

I hath killed thee, lest I not gonna crack