"Direction of Love"

by Vani Kamra

Thou art insecure,

knoweth not what f'r,

thou art turning heads at which hour thee walketh through the doth'r,

needeth not make-up to cov'r,

Thee'll und'rstand wherefore I wanteth thee so desp'rately

I knoweth not wherefore, thou art being shy

even but now I'm looking at thee and I can't believeth

and turneth hence at which hour I behold into thy eyes

So cometh on, thee did get t wrong

I knoweth not wherefore thou art being dainty,

To proveth I'm right, I putteth t in a song

thee knoweth not, thee knoweth not thou art quite quaintly.

--Baby thee lighteth up mine own w'rld liketh nobody else

the way yond thee flip thy hair gets me ov'rwhelmed.