
Term 4 Week 4

  • Plan out your ideas first

  • Re-read you writing to make sure it makes sense.

  • Check capital letters and full stops.

  • Check spelling

  • Make sure you have used at least 5 different quality words!

  • Remove any boring bits - 'and then'

Story starter

They had always wanted to travel around the World, but didn’t think they would end up doing it like this!

Having lived in their home in Goose Farm for only 2 years, the Jackson family had made a final decision to leave. It had been a tough decision for them, but with all the trouble they had caused in the town, they felt it was the right time to go. Nothing had gone as planned, even the house was falling apart.

Putting the wheels on the house wasn’t the hardest part for Tom, it was trying to fit everything in. It was midnight when they left so that no one saw them leave. Or that’s what they thought…

Continue the story.

Think about the adventures they are going to have. Where are they going, what are they seeing/doing? Use your imagination and be creative.

Term 4 Week 3

Hot Water

Watch Simon's Cat in the episode called "Hot Water"

Write to RECOUNT what happened in this short animation?

PLAN - Think about who, what, where, when, why. What happened first, next, finally?

WRITE - Write your recount to retell what happened in this short animation. To be successful you will need to:

  • Write your recount in order of events.

  • Include at least 5 quality vocab

  • Use your sense - smell, taste, sound, touch, sight

EDIT and RECRAFT - check that

  • Your writing makes sense.

  • You have spelt high-frequency words correctly

  • You have used correct punactuation - capitals, full stops, exclamation marks.

  • Your writing doesn't have any boring bits, like 'and then'

  • Your writing has at least 5 quality words - adverbs and adjectives.

Term 4 Week 1

This week, you will be writing about your greatest holiday ever! The catch; you have to make it up! Think about anywhere you would like to go! It can be anywhere in the world - Disney World, African Safari, Fiji, Grand Canyon in USA, snowboarding in Queenstown. Be creative!

Tuesday - Plan where you are going. Think about -

  • WHO went with you

  • WHERE did you go? Where did you sleep?

  • WHAT did you do/see there? What did you eat?

  • WHEN did you go? How long were you there for?

  • WHY did you go there?

  • HOW did you get there?

You may need to do some research about your destination!

Wednesday - Complete your draft writing. Remember to use the structure of a recount

  • Introduction - Who, when, where, why

  • Series of events

    • First

    • Next

    • After

    • Finally

  • Conclusion - share how you felt! What did you like best?

Thursday - Recraft and edit your writing

  • Edit

    • Does it make sense?

    • Have you spelt your commonly used words correctly?

    • Have you used your punctuation correctly (capital letters, full stops, commas, questions marks, exclamation marks)

  • Recraft

    • Can you add more details?

    • Are there any boring bits you can remove?

    • Have you got quality vocab in your writing? (banish boring words)

Friday - Share your writing.

I would love if you can share your writing on your blog. We will also have a sharing session for your to read your writing aloud (either in class if during level 2, or online if during level 3).

Blog Post Requirements:

  1. Title

  2. Labels - Writing

  3. DLO - Your writing. Remember to paste it in using CTRL + SHIFT + V

Planning Template

Information report worksheet 6.docx

Example of an information report

elly b report slide Bottlenose dolphin

Term 3 Week 7-8

LEARN: We are learning to write an informative report on an animal of our choosing.

RESEARCH: Look at your reading mahi for this week. I have shared some sites where you can find your information.

PLAN: Using the planning template provided, find information about the animal of your choice. Find as much information as you can, but remember to write it down in your own words. Do not copy the information from the site.

CREATE: Create an information slideshow (using Google Slides) to share all the information you have found. Your slide should include the following:

  • A title page and include your name on the title page.

  • A different page for each of the headings

    • Description

    • Habitat

    • Food

    • Other interesting information

  • A picture on each slide.

  • EXTRA - You could include an interesting video about your animal.

SHARE: Share your slide on your blog. Remember to title your blog post accordingly, include the learning intention and label your post - Reading, Writing, Inquiry

Watch this video on how to upload your slide to your blog.


Some ideas for Father's Day activities or Crafts

Term 3 Week 6

LEARN: We are learning to write a description of our dad using precise adjectives and adverbs.

CREATE: Draw a picture of your dad or another father figure in your life.

Plan and then write a description of this person. Think about:

• how he looks;

• what his personality is like;

• what characteristics and mannerisms he has;

• what is noticeable about him.

• what does he like to do? Or what do you like to do together?

Remember to re-read your writing. Check that:

  • It makes sense

  • You have used capital letters and full stops

  • You have spelled familiar words correctly.

SHARE: Share your description on your blog.

  1. Title: Happy Father's Day

  2. WALT write a description of our Dad using precise nouns, adjectives and adverbs.

  3. DLO - your decsriptive writing and a photo of your dad, or the drawing you did.

  4. Share a brief reflection on how you found this activity. What did you like? What did you find challenging? What would you do differently next time?

My Lockdown Haiku PowerPoint
My Lockdown Haiku Writing Frame.pdf

Term 3 Week 5

LEARN: We are learning to write our own lockdown haiku.

A haiku uses a simple poetic structure that follows a pattern of syllables/sounds in its three short verses.

CREATE: Use the Google Slide to learn all about a Haiku, before planning and writing your own. There is some ideas in the PDF. You can write your haiku in a book at home, or on Google Docs. Have fun and be creative!

SHARE: Share your haiku on your blog.

  1. Title: Lockdown Haiku

  2. WALT write our own lockdown haiku

  3. DLO - your haiku

  4. Share a brief reflection on how you found this activity. What did you like? What did you find challenging? What would you do differently next time?

Term 3 Week 2- 4

For film making, we will be writing our own scripts. Use this template the write your own narrative.


Term 3 Week 1 - 2

Complete the Holiday Snapshot template to display in our classroom. Each of the boxes doesn't not need to be about the same day.

Week 8

We are learning to write precise nouns.

Share various pictures or words with the students. Have students write down a precise noun for each.

Display these in our classroom for further reference.

i.e Instead of shop, write supermarket, Warehouse, Bells, etc.

We are learning to write using adverbs.

Share various simple sentences with the students and ask them to add in the 'how'.

ie. Sione moved towards the open door. How did Sione move towards the door? (Anxiously, nervously, excitedly, etc).

Create a word wall of adverbs.

Term 1 Writing 2021 - Te Tinana
Persuasive Writing, Term 2, 2021, Te Tinana

Persuasive writing

Persuasive writing is writing to convince someone to do something; to make someone believe in something; or to change someone’s mind.

Time for feedback?

These are mix abilities groups to support you with your writing. Go to see anyone from your group to ask for feedback and feedforward on your writing.

PP7 Writing lesson To describe the wolf from Little Red Riding Hood.pdf

Character Descriptions

We are learning to describe a character’s looks, characteristics and actions.


Character Brainstorm

Use this Y Chart to help plan your character description.


Partner Feedback

Use this checklist to gain and provide feedback to your partner about their character description.


Feedback Form

Use this form to feedback two things your partner has done well and highlight 1 thing that can be improved.

Writing a Recount

You can write to recount an event, like your weekend news, or to retell a story.