The Mind Readers

Term 4, Week 1


We are learning to increase our reading mileage.


We are learning to find quality vocab in the books we read.


Each day, choose a new book to read from PM readers.

Everytime you read, look for 'WOW' words! This week, you will need to find 10 interesting words to share with the class.

Each day, choose a new book to be read to you! We have loads of options on our reading page.

Using a dictionary; find out what those 10 words mean. Find at least one synonym (words that mean the same) and at least one anthonym (words that mean the opposite)

Share your Group's film on your blog.

1. Title: Interesting Vocab

2. WALT find quality vocab in the books we read.

3. Labels - Reading, Word Work

4. DLO - Your slideshow/Google draw etc.

Each day, choose a new book to read to someone! This could be anyone; someone from your family, a pet, a friend or your teacher.

Choose a creative way to share your words. This could be google slides, google draw, etc. Your work should include your ten words, the synonyms, anthonyms and a sentence you wrote using the word. You can include pictures.

Term 3, Week 8


We Are Learning To read plays and perform plays, being expressive.


Read at least 2 books on PM Readers.


Using one of our plays, create a film to share at our Paparore School Film Festival


Share your Group's film on your blog.

  1. Title: Choose your own title according to the play you have chosen.

  2. WALT read with expression; to re-enact a story read, to make films.

  3. Labels - Reading, writing, inquiry

  4. DLO - Your slideshow.

  5. Write how you found this activitiy, was it too hard/easy? What did you enjoy about this activity, or what did you learn?

Term 3, Week 7


We Are Learning To read for meaning.

Use the following sites to read about an animal of your choosing.

Read at least 2 books on PM Readers.


Find as much information as you can about your chosen animal. Use the template to organis your information.

Information report worksheet 6.docx

Once you have enough information, create your own Google Slide to share your information. Have a look here.


Share your Slide on your blog.

  1. Title: Choose your own title according to the animal you have chosen.

  2. WALT read for meaning in order to write our own informational report on an animal of our choosing.

  3. Labels - Reading, writing, inquiry

  4. DLO - Your slideshow.

  5. Write how you found this activitiy, was it too hard/easy? What did you enjoy about this activity, or what did you learn?

Embedding slides to blogger.webm

Watch this video to learn how to share your slides onto your blog.

Term 3, Week 5-6


We Are Learning To ... read with fluency and expression.

Each week, aim to read two books you will be assigned on PM Online Readers. You may want to read each book a couple of times to build on your fluency and expression. This means reading more like how we talk!


Use screencastify to record yourself reading one of your books this week.

Listen to yourself reading your book. Are you reading fluently? Are you reading with expression?


Share your screencastify on your blog.

  1. Title: Reading with expression

  2. WALT read with fluency and expression.

  3. Labels - Reading

  4. DLO - This is your screencastify video!

Term 3, Week 1 - 2

My Brother

LEARN - Read the story 'My Brother' and discuss the values within the story.

LISTEN - Click on the headphones to listen to the story being read to you.

CREATE - Use the cut up sentences and glue them back into the right order. (Please do this in your topic book)

Teacher Notes

Mushrooms for Dinner (PM Online)

LEARN - Read the story 'Mushrooms for Dinner' and discuss the values within the story.

CREATE - Use the cut up sentences and glue them back into the right order. (Please do this in your topic book)

Teacher Notes

Term 2 Literacy Activities - The Mind Readers

My Reading Goals

5 Green Reading Rocket NZ.pdf

Week 8

We are learning to:

  • Retell the story in sequence and with detail.

  • Ask and answer questions about the text.

Reading Follow-up Activity

This week, record yourself retelling one of your books using screencastify. Use the webcam option, sharing the book and pictures as you retell.

Jordan's Football

The Donkey in the Lion's Skin

The Lost Keys

The Picnic Boat