david waliams

term 4 weeks 1-7

chapter book study

Students to choose a chapter book they would like to read for two weeks.

The focus is for the text to provide opportunities for ākonga to:

• enjoy reading a short chapter book and sharing their responses with others

• make connections between their own experiences and information in the story to make predictions and inferences

  • Buddy Reading

  • Vocabulary Building

  • Comprehension Booster

your choice

My Lessons and English Skills

Read and comment on our Class Blogs and School Blogs

Use login to access your online PM books on your bookshelf.

Choose 3 books to read this week

Online Reading Padlet

Book Box Reading


share to your blog

  1. Reading for Meaning with Chapter Books

  2. We have been reading short chapter books to improve our reading comprehension. We have been learning to make connections between our own experiences and information in the story to make predictions and inferences.

  3. Tags - Reading, Chapter Books

  4. DLO (Digital Learning Object) - Add pictures of the books you have read.

  5. Vocabulary - add 5-10 interesting words that you have learnt whilst reading these books.

  6. What book have you enjoyed the most and why?

  7. DLO - Video of you reading 1-2 pages of one of the books.

  8. Correct spelling and punctuation

term 3 week 7

Bugbix for Breakfast-SJL2 May 2017.pdf
Bugbix for Breakfast-SJL2 May 2017.pdf - Google Drive.webm

bugbix for breakfast

School Journal L2 May 2017

Reading Purpose - Could insects be the food of the future?

Think about what you had for breakfast. What do you think others may have eaten around the world this morning?

Skim and scan through the text, what surprises you? Which words stand out to you ... “entomophagists”, “protein”, “fibre” ? What do these words mean?

Think about why people eat insects? What are some of the main reasons why people eat insects? Why are people scared of eating insects? Do people eat insects in NZ?

2022 SJ Level 2 May 2017 - Bugbix for Breakfast


My Lessons and English Skills

Read and comment on our Class Blogs and School Blogs

Use login to access your online PM books on your bookshelf.

Choose 3 books to read this week

Online Reading Padlet

Book Box Reading

term 3 week 5-6 - Wetlands/pou reading

term 3 week 1-4


commonwealth charter

We are learning about the Commonwealth Charter.

WALT understand what a charter is.

WALT expand our vocabulary by finding the meaning of interesting and tricky words.

commonwealth games

The Commonwealth Games are a sporting event held by The Commonwealth Games Federation (CGF). Athletes from countries that are part of the Commonwealth of Nations can take part.

Click on the Commonwealth Games Emblem to learn more about the Commonwealth games.


My Lessons and English Skills

Read and comment on our Class Blogs and School Blogs

Use login to access your online PM books on your bookshelf.

Choose 3 books to read this week

Online Reading Padlet

Book Box Reading

term 2 week 7-8

Garden with Science (Small file) Connected - Audio narration (mp4, 155.2MB).mp4
NAME Garden with Science Info Web Graphic Organiser

garden with science

WALT understand what plants need to grow.

WALT use details in the text to explain our thinking.

  • Listen to the audio book to learn about how to Garden with Science.

  • Read with a buddy.

  • Go to your DRIVE and your reading folder to find your copy of the activity.

share to your blog

  1. Reading - Gardening with Science

  2. WALT understand what plants need to grow.

WALT use details in the text to explain our thinking.

  1. Tags - Reading, Topic, Māra Kai

  2. DLO - embed your Google Slide Deck

Add 2 of our gardening photos to your post

  1. Check your spelling and punctuation.

term 2 week 6

Our Gifted Garden-JJ49 L2 2014.pdf
JJ49 Our Gifted Garden Word Search.pdf
2022 Te Manga Term 2 Our Gifted Garden

Our gifted garden

WALT make connections between what we know and what we read.

  • Read with a buddy.

  • Read with your group and teacher.

  • Offline reading activities

term 2 week 5

Seed Savers Cloze.pdf
David Waliams Seed Savers T2 W4

seed savers

WALT make connections between what we know and what we read.

  • Read with a buddy.

  • Read with your group and teacher.

  • Offline reading activities

term 1 week 9-10


WALT understand tricky and interesting vocabulary.

Gold Undersea Gardens Word Search.pdf
  • with a buddy

  • with your group

  • with your teacher

  1. Choose 3 interesting or tricky words and share them with your group.

  2. Read a page by yourself, skim and scan for interesting fact about seaweed.

  3. Report your findings back to your group!


You will find this google slide in your drive.

NAME Undersea Gardens


  1. Reading - Undersea Gardens

  2. I am learning to skim and scan the text to find key information.

  3. Labels - Reading, Seaweek

  4. DLO - embed your Google Slides

  5. Check your spelling and punctuation.

term 1 week 6-7


WALT find information in the text using our skimming and scanning skills.

Tiakina a Tangaroa -Story.pdf

Read the text online or listen to the audio while you read the text.

Tiakina a Tangaroa – Protect Our Seas.mp3


NAME Tiakina a Tangaroa - Protect Our Seas School Journal Level 2 October 2011

You will find this google slide in your reading folder.


Share your learning ...

  • with a buddy

  • with our class

  • with your whanau

term 1 week 4-5


WALT find information in the text using our skimming and scanning skills.

SJL3 Summer Sounds.pdf

Complete in your red book

Can you name all the things that make summer sounds in the poem?

What sounds do they make?

What do the following words mean?

slung, percussive, asphalt, blare, insistent


Choose TWO of the following activities.

Write down 5 interesting or tricky words and find the meanings.

Practice your handwriting - copy 5 lines from the poem as tidily as you can.

Draw a picture to illustrate the poem

Practice reading the poem aloud.


Share your learning ...

  • with a buddy

  • with your whanau