Problem Solving

term 3 week 4

sally the snail

Specific Learning Outcomes

  1. Measure using cm.

  2. Solve problems using minutes as the unit.

  3. Devise and use problem solving strategies to explore situations mathematically.

Work in small groups to solve this problem.

Think carefully about what is being asked? What does 2cm look like? How will you work it out?


  1. Title - Problem Solving - Sally the Snail

  2. We are learning to; measure using cm, solve problems using minutes as the unit, devise and use problem solving strategies to explore situations mathematically.

  1. Tags - Math, Problem Solving

  1. Reflect on the problem solving process - What did you do first? How did you figure it out? How did you feel during the problem solving process?

  1. DLO - Add a photo of you and your partner.

  1. Check your spelling and punctuation.