Living World

The living world unit is about living things and how they interact with each other and the environment. Students develop an understanding of the diversity of life and life processes, of where and how life has evolved, of evolution as the link between life processes and ecology, and of the impact of humans on all forms of life.

NZC Achievement Objectives: Living World

Level 3/4

Life Processes

  • recognise there are life processes common to all living things and these occur in different ways.


  • Explain how living things are suited to their particular habitat and how they respond to environmental changes, both natural and human-induced.


  • Begin to group plants, animals and other living things into science-based classifications

Level 5

Life processes

  • Identify the key structural features and functions involved in the life processes of plants and animals

  • Describe the organisation of life at the cellular level


  • Investigate the interdependence of living things (including humans) in an ecosystem.
Living World - Unit Plan