Poster Session

Monday 20 - Tuesday 21nd September


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We strongly encourage Postdocs and PhD students that wish to give a poster presentation about their research projects or initiatives, to do so.

Poster dimensions:

A0 (841 x 1189 mm) (33.1 x 46.8 inches) in portrait format.

It is a good idea to include a picture of you on your poster.

Lauren Bell

Human or Neanderthal: A multi-disciplinary study in search of the makers of the Uluzzian technocomplex in Upper Palaeolithic Italy

Fiona Brock

Highly degraded collagen

Dr. Theresa Emmerich Kamper

Hide Processing in Prehistory: an experimental approach to prehistoric tanning technologies

Erin M. Keenan Early

ZooMS in the New World: The Need for a North American Faunal Database

Hrafnhildur Helga Halldórsdóttir

Protein preservation in leather artefacts at Roman Vindolanda

Michele Learmonth

The potential of mining existing archaeological proteomic datasets to reveal new information

Martina L.G. Conti

Evidence of Amino Acid Racemisation-Constrained Sea-level Transgressions from Multiple Biomarker Analysis

Tuuli Kasso

Medieval Volumes of Great Worth: Delimiting Sample Size for Radiocarbon Dating of Parchment

Sergui Mansour

Proteomics applied to the study of IInd century archaeological ceramics preserved in submarine context

Jo Olvera

What can protein tell us about the diet of the sacrificial victims of the Tenochtitlan Huei Tzompantli?

Jaroslav Pavelka

Sediments contaminated by allochthonous animal proteins present a challenge to molecular archaeology

Richard V. Prigodich

Identification of the type I Collagen binding site on Osteocalcin

Connecting Accelerated Aging Experiments to Artifact Diagenesis with computational Kinetic Models

Elena Schroeter

A method to concentrate and clean peptides from fossils with high humic content for mass spectrometry

Lucy Skinner

Characterising ancient leather processing in the Nile Valley

Carla Soto

Parchment proteomics

Lucy Wheeler

Amino acid racemisation in foraminifera: tests for an intra-crystalline fraction and closed system behaviour