Ancient Proteins@20

19th - 22nd August 2018 Copenhagen


13-17 August 2018 Archaeomics Summer School

A 5-day summer course to provide students with a broad but detailed introduction to ancient genomics and the analysis of ancient proteins and their application in archaeology.

You may have noticed that every twenty years or so everyone gets together to discuss old proteins. It happened in 1978 , in 1998, and so it is now time again for the Vicennial Ancient Protein meeting.

The last two times both resulted in books. Let's see where the 2018 workshop will take us...

AncientProteins@20 will take place in Copenhagen, Denmark from the 20th to the 22nd of August 2018.

  • Monday: Cultural heritage

  • Tuesday: Ancient Proteins and Archaeology + Conference dinner

  • Wednesday: Amino Acids in the Fossil Record

If you are unable to attend in person it will hopefully be possible to see a live stream of the workshop.

We look forward to seing you in Copenhagen, you may just catch our summer!

Abstract Submission (please email