Art & Science of Learning ARCHIVES

What impact does your teaching have on your students’ learning? What strategies have been proven to meet the needs of a range of learners? Using the most current knowledge of what we know about how students learn best, this professional development group explored innovative and tried-and-true teaching strategies. Topics included spacing of curriculum, moving beyond lecture, choice and play, memory, feedback and assessment, and authentic learning.


Meeting 1 - Teachers Are Researchers (Neuroteach by Glenn Whitman and Ian Kelleher, Chapter 12)

Meeting 2 - Teaching Introverts

Meeting 3 - Differentiating Instruction to Increase Engagement for all


Meeting 1 - Understanding the Functions of the Brain

Meeting 2 - Homework 

Meeting 3 - Executive Skills

Meeting 4 - Feedback and Assessment (Part 1)

Meeting 5 - Feedback and Assessment (Part 2)

Meeting 6 - Classroom Design