World Languages



Encyclopedia Britannica

Look here for brief overview information on your chosen topics.

World Book Encyclopedia

Look here for brief overview information on your chosen topics.

CIA World Factbook

The CIA has handy one-page information sheets with data about individual countries.


International Newsstream (ProQuest)

Look here for news articles (in French and Spanish)

Research in Context (Gale)

Biographies, encyclopedia articles, and more.

Search here to find books in the Blackburne Library on your topic.

MLA Formatting

Purdue OWL has information about citing books, articles, websites, and more - even audio files. Below is an example of the format for an MLA citation of an electronic encyclopedia or magazine article.

"France." Britannica School, Encyclopedia Britannica, 27 Jun. 2018. Accessed 20 Sep. 2018.