#OxnardK8 Ed chat


#OxnardK8 Twitter Chat is taking a hiatus for summer break. Please check back periodically for updates on when we resume our conversations. Please feel free to share ideas, comments, resources and other pertinent content to our OSD community on Twitter using #OxnardK8 hashtag.

You can find links to the archived chats on wakelet.com below if chat announcement.

Twitter Edchats are great way for educators to build their professional and personal Learning. A way to get and share valuable support and resources. There are hundreds of valuable edchats with participating educators, experts, and industry leaders from all around the world. It's as simple as searching on Twitter or other social media platforms for your topic of choice using specific #hashtags. Learn more about Edchats here: Introduction to Twitter Education chats

It is recommended that after creating a Twitter account you participate or follow Edchats with the Tweetdeck application. Here is a one minute video on how to use Tweetdeck for Edchats: www.youtube.com/watch?v=DH1Ids9JJB8

Follow these OSD #hashtags online at Twitter: #OxnardK8 #OSDTogether #OSDTeachersRock #OSDPride to find your fellow OSD educators sharing resources and support.

Our Topic for June 17th is "We Did It! Celebrate the Conclusion of the School Year" Join us!

Find this week's chat archived on Wakelet.com. Please follow this link. https://wke.lt/w/s/0u1boc No sign in required.

Our Topic for June 10th is "Beyond the Norm: Are We Too Rooted in Educational Traditions to Change?" Join us!

Find this week's chat archived on Wakelet.com. Please follow this link. https://wke.lt/w/s/6_9hrx No sign in required.

Our Topic for June 3rd is "What has COVID Taught Us About How Well We Actually Know Our Learning Community." Join us!

Find this week's chat archived on Wakelet.com. Please follow this link. https://wke.lt/w/s/zFtTD5 No sign in required.

Our Topic for May 27th is #LessonDesign with special guest @askMsQ. Join us!

Find this week's chat archived on Wakelet.com. Please follow this link. https://wke.lt/w/s/6II7nY No sign in required.

Our Topic for May 13th is Pushing the Limits, Beyond the Virtual Routine. Join us!

Find this week's chat archived on Wakelet.com. Please follow this link. wke.lt/w/s/v3Cf0p No sign in required.

Our Topic for May 6th is Assessments Part 1. Join us!

Find this week's chat archived on Wakelet.com. Please follow this link. https://wke.lt/w/s/Hoq-x8 No sign in required.

Our Topic for April 28th is Distance Learning, What Have We Learned So Far?

Hope you join in!

Our Topic for April 22nd is Digital Citizenship and Common Sense Media.

Hope you join in!