Live Support Sessions

Find links to the live Zoom sessions in the Calendar entries below.

Please take time to review the resources for each teacher tool you need support with or want to use. These resources will help inform your participation in these live sessions. Live sessions are focused on supporting staff beginning with the platforms and will include topics such as: signing in, basic functions, and answering specific questions on program use.

Also check out the available resources including live webinars offered by the platform providers.

When attending a live session please follow these guidelines:

  • Be considerate and respectful of others.

  • Stay on topic. In Live Q & A please refer specifically to the teacher tools listed on this site.

  • In groups of more than 3 please use the chat to ask questions. They will be addressed in the order received in the chat.

  • We will try to answer unanswered questions post session via email or other communication.

  • Please be patient.

If you require technical support please submit a technology support ticket.

You must be signed in to your OSD Google account to view calendar

Distance Learning Live Support Schedule May 26-29.pdf