
Thanks to Liz of Hueneme SD for use of the video!

It is recommended that log into your OSD Google account to use YouTube.

Record your video with anything-- the Screencastify add on, your phone, or your iPad.

Once you get your video done, it is easy to upload it onto your YouTube account, it is already associated with your google account. There are just a few options to choose when you upload.

  • you can make it unlisted so only people who have the link to the video can view it ( not just for your comfort-- see copyright notes below)

  • you can turn off the comments and the thumbs up/down review feature

Be respectful of copyright restrictions before creating YouTube videos.

(1) using commercial music will get your video filtered. Don't play music in the background

(2) Many companies have loosened their copyright for a few months, but ask that your video is UNLISTED, not public. For example, Project Wisdom and Harper Collins publishers. Record their content, but don't make the video public. It is just for your use with your students.