OSD Distance Learning Plan

Distance Learning Defined

Distance learning means instruction in which the student and instructor are in different locations. This may include interacting through the use of computer and communications technology, as well as delivering instruction and check-in time with their teacher. Distance learning may include video or audio instruction in which the primary mode of communication between the student and instructor is on-line interaction, instructional television, video, telecourses, or other instruction that relies on computer or communications technology. It may also include the use of print materials incorporating assignments that are the subject of written or oral feedback.

The Objective

Phase I - Provide opportunities for academic review and practice for students

Phase II - Provide ongoing instruction to students based on their specific grade level standards

Phase III - Continue ongoing instruction to students based on their specific grade level standards as well as advance new methods in distance learning

Details Phase III - May 4, 2020 - June 18, 2020

Information below is a summary of keys points from the Phase III Guidelines.

Shared Essential Responsibilities in Facilitating Distance Learning:

● Planning for Distance Learning that respects the needs of all students and staff

● Implementing Distance Learning that attends to the diversity of each community to ensure that all students have access to equitable educational opportunities

● Documenting the best efforts possible being made under the current emergency conditions with regard to students with:

o Individualized Education Programs by IEP Team members as appropriate

o Section 504 Plans by 504 Team members as appropriate

● Selecting content for Distance Learning that is standards-based, relevant, and appropriate for students

Practicing consistent communication with students, families, and staff to understand how the health emergency is impacting them


● Support student engagement in Distance Learning

● Reserve a space for students to complete Distance Learning assignments/activities

● Encourage students to maintain a healthy balance of nutrition, sleep, exercise, and Distance Learning

● Set sensible time limits for technology use for school and play

● Talk to students about their work every day

● Help students establish and follow regular daily routines

TK and K Students

  • Completing packets or online classwork assigned by their classroom teacher

  • Be respectful to self, teachers and peers

  • Follow District Technology Use Agreement guidelines

1st - 8th Grade Students

  • Engage daily in Distance Learning through designated platform(s)

  • Complete assigned work by the due date

  • Connect with teacher to ask for support regarding Distance Learning academic content and expectations

  • Be respectful to self, teachers and peers

  • Follow District Technology Use Agreement guidelines


  • Develop Grade Level Distance Learning Opportunities to continue and advance new teaching and learning through grade level standards

  • Continue to plan and collaborate weekly with grade level/department teams to design Grade Level Distance Learning Opportunities

  • Teachers/Grade Levels/Departments required to submit weekly Distance Learning plans online or to site administrator

  • Establish instructional routines that include synchronous and/or asynchronous instruction, planning, and collaboration, in addition to a minimum of two office hours daily to be available for connecting with students/parents, providing students with immediate feedback, and/or answering emails and phone calls

  • Outside of these office hours, Monday through Friday, all teachers will continue to connect and respond to parent/student calls, email, etc. within 24 hours

  • Communicate with site administrator, counselor, and/or ORC concerns regarding lack of student participation and engagement

  • Promote, moderate and reinforce students’ appropriate use of technology

  • Participate in a virtual mandatory staff meeting weekly

  • SpEd classroom teachers continue to support all students on caseload