Take notice

All students and staff have access to the Positive in Schools programme and many have engaged in Mindfulness activities. Further guidance will be distributed in due course.

Pay attention to what is around you and what you are feeling. Savour the moment, whether you are enjoying nature, walking, eating lunch or talking to friends. Reflecting on your experiences will help you appreciate what really matters to you.

Taking notice of, and caring for, your emotional health has always been important but even more so now with the extra challenges that life with Covid 19 brings. Do remember that as well as contacting your form tutor, a teacher, Head of Year or Lucy Mullins, our school nurse, to discuss any issues that are making you anxious, our school counsellors are still working and are doing remote sessions for girls. Please email Lucy or your form tutor to have your name added to the waiting list.

Some supporting resources are shown below.



BBC - lots of videos and activities to explore including

BBOWT (Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire Wildlife Trust)

  • This page gives lots of activities and actions related to wildlife.

Foresty England

  • This link takes you to a page where you can explore webcams or virtual reality forest experiences.

National Trust

Natural History Museum


The Wildlife Trusts' 30 Days Wild (for June)

  • This link takes you to the 30 Days Wild website with lots of ideas about how to connect with nature.