Be active

The Sports Department has used feedback to design progressive schemes of work for each year group. These offer a variety, and mixture, of options. E.g. circuits, runs, walks, yoga, thai chi, etc. alongside skills based activities for sports you can do with equipment you have at home or borrowed from us. This programme will include some live sessions to keep classes exercising and engaging together. In addition, there are dedicated programmes for Sports teams.

Note: there are some daily activities that go on the sports twitter page @OHS_Sport.

Indoors: Many home workout activities can be found online, from A(erobics) to Z(umba).

Outdoors: You could go for a walk, run or cycle. You could also try gardening!

Exercising makes you feel good. Discover a physical activity you enjoy and that suits you.

Some supporting resources are shown below.

HITT/Circuit Workouts

Joe Wicks (YouTube The Body Coach TV) is perfect for this. He is doing a daily workout each day at 9am Monday-Friday- aimed at students but adults are enjoying it too. Also on his YouTube page, The Body Coach TV, he has a wide range of HITT and circuit workouts to follow that offer a range of activities for all different fitness levels. You can type into YouTube ‘The Body Coach TV’ or visit this link.

Home skills

Whatever sporting equipment you may have it is always good to do some fun sporting activities with that; be it rallying with tennis rackets and balls, kicking a football around and so on. It is all good for the hand-eye-coordination and staying healthy and active.


The FIIT App – another fitness training app that helps you work out at home. This has a free 14 day trial so you can see if you like it. Download from the app store or visit: this link.


A jog gets that heart rate a little higher and releases even more of those positive endorphins that come from exercising. Enjoy just a steady jog or, for those with a competitive streak, see if you can run further or quicker as the weeks go on. Many people will use the same route from their home so it will be easy to see if you get quicker, or you can extend the route a little.


Going for a walk is great for the mind and body. Take in the nature around you, the sights and sounds you do not usually get to appreciate in the hustle and bustle of life. Lockdown has meant places are much quieter, and you can hear and appreciate so much more of the world around you. It is also great to go with family and have a good chat and stretch out after you will have all been working hard from home.


There are some excellent yoga apps but the one that comes most highly recommend is Down Dog. This a yoga app that allows you to select you time, level, focus, voice and music. It helps to create a unique, personalised yoga practice every time. They are offering free access to everyone until May 1st, and then free access until July 1st for teachers and students - you just have to sign up and give your school details and email. Download from the app store or visit this link.

Zumba with Mrs Solovyova