Financial & Employment SUpport


Attention Parents!

 Have you heard of the new Scottish Child Payment?

Opening from Monday 9 November for applications.


Social Security Scotland will be taking applications early for this benefit for which payment will start in Feb 2021.

Initially this will be open for applications for parents with a child under the age of 6 but in future will roll out for children under 16.

 The new benefit gives eligible families on low incomes an extra £10 per week for each child.

Payments will not be made until early 2021 but it is important to get your application in quickly.


Want help to apply? Or to find out if eligible? Call and speak to Sally at our S&FE Hub on 07584134411 or text SCP to the same number and we’ll call you back.


VOLA Safe Leaflet October 2020 (002).pdf

You are eligible for free nursery/school meals and a school clothing grant if you receive the following benefits: 

You are eligible for a school clothing grant only if you receive:

You are eligible for free nursery/school meals only if you receive:

or young children who are:

School Clothing Grants will not be paid for children of school leaving age, that is who will be 16 years old between 1 March and 30 September, until they return to school in the new session. However, you should include these children on your application.

The School Clothing Grant is currently £150.00 per child.

Whilst the Best Start grants do not apply to secondary school aged young people, we are fully aware that there may be younger children living at home. 

The Best Start grants, have similar criteria (see below) to the Free School Meal and Clothing Grants and apply to pregnant mothers and families with children 3 and under. There are 3 different types of cash grants available, depending on the age of your young child (beyond week 24 in pregnancy).


If you're under 18, you do not need to be on any payments or benefits to apply for Best Start Grant or Best Start Foods.

If you're a parent over 18, you can apply whether you're in work or not, as long as you're getting one of these:

You cannot get Best Start Grant or Best Start Foods if you only get Child Benefit. You must still be getting one of the benefits or payments from this list to be able to get Best Start Grant or Best Start Foods.

If you're not getting any of these benefits or payments, but have applied for one, you can still apply for Best Start Grant and Best Start Foods.

For Best Start Grant, we do not need to know about your income. For Best Start Foods, some of the benefits have an income limit.

The benefits you need to be on to get Best Start Food are the same as Best Start Grant, but some of the benefits have an income limit.

The benefits that have an income limit are:

Should you require any support in applying for any of the above grants, please feel free to contact our team on 0743 272 1022 or s&

Alternatively, contact the school office to speak with your child's Pupil Support Leader.