S3 Options
Below you will find important information on S3 student choices. All courses available to S4 students at Vale of Leven Academy can be found on our Senior Phase offering website. Students should use this information to help choose which subjects they will study next year. S4 students should continue with up to seven of their current subjects.
In S4, all students must study Maths and English. Students should choose five additional subjects and a reserve choice.
Students will be issued with recommended levels of study and this will be the initial level entered. If a pupil wishes to study a subject at a different level, this should be discussed and agreed with the relevant Curriculum Leader.
The options process will begin for S3 students on Monday 22nd February 2021. An email will be sent to students and parents with all relevant information including support materials and login details for our student choices website. All choices must be entered on the student choices website by Friday 26th February 2021.
Please note that as part of the Senior Phase offering, students can study a variety of courses at West College Scotland. More information on available college courses can be found here.