Voluntary Benefit

MetLife Legal Plans

Signing Up

1. Check if you are eligible

  • Available to benefit-eligible employees
    (see Eligibility for details)

2. Enroll in the plan

3. Make Payments

  • Once the coverage has been approved:

      • Payment will automatically deduct from your paycheck on a post-tax, 10-month basis


MetLife Legal - Flyer (2021).pdf

MetLife Legal Plan


  • $23.40 / month

(processed January - June and September - December)

Enrollment Period

  • Open Enrollment

  • Within 30 days of date of hire

Coverage Period

(Minimum of one-year enrollment in the plan; cancel any time after)
  • Open Enrollment Selection: January 1 - December 31

  • New Hire Selection: 1st of month following date of hire - 12 months after start date

MetLife Legal_Plus Parents Benefits Overview - Tenthly.pdf

MetLife Legal Plan - Plus Parents!


  • $30.60 / month

(processed January - June and September - December)

Enrollment Period

  • Open Enrollment

  • Within 30 days of date of hire

Coverage Period

(Minimum of one-year enrollment in the plan; cancel any time after)
  • Open Enrollment Selection: January 1 - December 31

  • New Hire Selection: 1st of month following date of hire - 12 months after start date

Updated 01.26.2023 am