Ms. Meyer - Employability Skills and SBG

AG class

Animal Science


AS.06 Classify, evaluate and select animals based on anatomical and physiological characteristics.

Learning Target

Compare and contrast the ruminant, monogastric, and avian digestive systems.

When I visited the second period Animal Science class, they were finishing up their comics on digestive systems. They did their work in a variety of formats, as shown in these images. When they completed their work, they did a review for the upcoming assessment and then completed their employability self assessments.

To review their learning, the students played the Unfair Game as teams. This was a game that I have not heard of, but it definitely was engaging for them. There were 15 questions and each question had a random point value attached to it. The team captain chose a number and then they found out the point value. If that team answered correctly, they had to decide to keep the points or give them to the other team. The catch was that they didn't know if the points were positive or negative until after assigning the points. The goal was to be the team with a final score closest to 0.


General Classroom Information

Standards based classroom information is posted at the front of the room and reviewed with students at the beginning of the course.

Grading, retakes and employability expectations

Expectations and guidelines for reassessing standards and employability skills are also posted.

Retake Ticket

In order to reassess a standard, students must complete the retake ticket and bring it with them when they request it with Ms. Meyer.


At the end of each unit or activity the students are asked to reflect on their employability skills. How did they do in the 6 different areas. They use the same scoring as content standards, with 3 meaning that they met the standard or expectations, 2 means that they are working on the skills and 1 meaning that they are not showing the skills needed. The students were also asked to circle the area that they want to focus on improving the most and star the area that makes them proud.

One at a time the students come up to conference with Ms. Meyer and she discusses how she feels that they performed and how their scores compare to what she is giving them.


Intro to Agriculture


CS.01 Analyze how issues, trends, technologies and public policies impact systems in the Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources Career Cluster.

Learning Target

I can prioritize agricultural events and inventions.

In the Intro to Ag class, students were wrapping up their Ag Timeline unit. They each had an invention that they were asked to prove was the best agricultural invention. They did an informative presentation for the first round and a radio broadcasting advertisement using WeVideo for the second round.


Closing argument for the reaper. Pretty convincing!

Round 3

For the third and final round, the top four inventions went head to head in a final debate. The goal was to get the highest number of individuals to support or back that invention. They were asked to give an opening statement, present their case or give their argument and then there was a chance for a rebuttle against the other competitors.

To prepare for the vocabulary on their assessment, students randomly drew the name of a person connected with an important agricultural invention or event. They were then asked to make a visual representation of that person or their name - with emoji like images. The images were presented to the class to see if they could determine the person and their invention.

Eli Whitney and the cotton gin

Rudolph Diesel and the internal-combustion engine

Cyrus Hall McCormick and the mechanical reaper

Norman Borlaug and the green revolution

All of the Ag courses finish off their units with a student reflection on their employability skills. CTE classes have Career and Technical Education Standards. There are 12 Career Ready Practices Content Standards listed and described with several subsets on 15 pages. Ms. Meyer has taken these and put some key standards on her employability check. These include Communication, Attitude, Teamwork, Networking, Problem Solving and Professionalism.

The Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources standards are listed in a 92 page document. It breaks the standards down into career pathways like the ANFR cluster, Agribusiness Systems and Animal Systems. The link below will take you to a document explaining the standards in detail.

Thank you Ms. Meyer and Osage's Ag classes

Thanks for letting us get a peek inside your classroom to see your learning! I really enjoyed my time with you.