Mrs. Deb Huftalin

Integrating Technology

"Hey Siri.....

How do you spell hurricane?" That simple question really made me smile as I walked around Mrs. Huftalin's classroom. No more walking over to the dictionary to look up a word. Not when there's an iPad at your fingertips and Siri there to help you out. Watching students using technology effortlessly in a 3rd grade Science class is so much fun!

Mrs. Huftalin's 3rd grade Science students have been working on the NextGen Science standard 3-ESS2 - Represent data in tables and graphical displays to describe typical weather conditions expected during a particular season. Along with Science standards, they have been working on writing standards (like 3.W.1 - write opinion pieces with supporting evidence) and 21st century standards (like 21.3-5.TL.1 - Use technology resources to create original products, identify patterns and problems, make predictions and propose solutions.) So much learning happening all at once!


Represent data in tables


Write opinion pieces with support


Using technology resources

Students have been recording weather data in cities all over the world. They have also been researching their cities to learn about the region, climate, and some fun facts. They also had to decide if they would want to go visit that city and explain their opinions with supporting facts. To wrap up the project, students are writing paragraphs about their city and the climate and creating a PicCollage of things that represent their city.

Mrs. Huftalin helping with a PicCollage

Ms. Nickerson helping with PicCollage

Student teacher, Ms. Nickerson, has been teaching and learning along with Mrs. Huftalin and the 3rd grade students. She has been creating lessons in Planbook and co-planning with Mrs. Huftalin throughout the project. It is great to see the next generation of Iowa Educators in action!

Ms. Nickerson helping a student identify the region where her city is located.

Sharing Planbook lessons and recording standards.