Elementary School Student Leadership Opportunities

One of the many goals of our Elementary Schools is to promote student ownership; providing opportunities for students to be leaders is so important.  There are a few ways that students can be leaders - see below for more details!

Painted our Stairwells

Under the leadership of Jenny Johnston, students painted two of our building stairwells; one became our Salish Sea; the other became our Salish Forest - both have wildlife found in our own Salish Sea Environment.

Painted our Bathrooms

A few years ago, students designed and painted art in our bathroom stalls promoting our school character traits.

3rd-5th grade Students Team Peace - Team Peace is a wonderful opportunity for 3rd-5th grade students to learn a variety of conflict resolution skills and then practice applying these skills during recess with younger students. There will be a student application process, requiring parent/guardian and teacher signatures.  Students will need to miss some class time, so being responsible for work completion even while working for Team Peace will be critical.  

3rd-5th grade Student Leadership Jobs - Student Jobs is a wonderful way for students to be involved with different jobs on campus.  Jobs are available for a semester at a time.  A list of student leadership jobs is available on the bulletin board near the office.  Any interested student can complete an application, get their teacher’s signature and turn it into the office. 

3rd-5th grade Safety Patrol - Students and parents are on duty rain or shine every morning from 8:10-8:30 helping people safely cross the street near the corner of Madronna and School Roads.  Any interestred student can write a note to Ms. Lorena, talk to their parents and teacher, get trained and become a member.  Parents who are able to help are greatly appreciated, simply complete a volunteer packet and let Ms. Lorena know you are willing to help!

 3rd-5th grade Student Council - Under the leadership of Kimberly Malo Students interested in being on student council are selected by their classmates and will give up approximately 2 lunch recesses a month to meet to work on various school improvement leadership activities.  Some activities the student council is responsible for include completing the annual elementary yearbook, planning spirit days, running assemblies, and designing our annual elementary t-shirt.