School Improvement Plan

OIES is a schoolwide Title 1 school. This is a federally funded program that targets service for those students who are in need of some special academic attention. Sometimes interventionists will “push in” to a classroom to assist and sometimes, small groups of students will be “pulled out” for additional targeted services.  OIES has a School Improvement Team, made up of 4-5 parents, classroom teachers, staff and principal; the team generally meets about once a month.  At OIES specific academic support is given in reading. Being a school wide title 1 school has a few requirements, which include: 

School Improvement Goals for the 2023-24 School Year:

Goal 1: OIES will focus on building school connections (Food, Fun and Togetherness)  through a variety of activities for families and staff.  To demonstrate success in this goal, each class will have a minimum of 50% of their families attend the family events.  

Goal 2:  OIES will focus on academic growth in ELA through a variety of activities in writing and vocabulary.  Academic growth will be measured by a 5% increase in the following sub categories from spring 2023 to spring 2024 ELA smarter balanced assessments:  low income, hispanic, and students with disabilities AND 5% growth from spring 2023 cohorts to spring 2024 ELA Fastbridge cohorts (example: 2023 kinder to 2024 1st grade). 

Some Ongoing Activities:

At Home - OIES parents joined staff to develop ideas about how families can support students’ success in reading and math.  Some of our key at-home activities are:

In Our Classrooms - Teachers will work with families to support students’ success in meeting grade level standards for reading and math.  Some of our key connections with families will be: