Parent/Guardian Volunteers

We love having people volunteer in our schools and are grateful for any time given! If you think you might like to spend an hour or two with a student who may need some extra attention, help with a project, share a skill or information, or just get involved, please call at 376-1556 and complete the volunteer registration packet.

Updated Volunteer Packet- 23-24.pdf

How to become a Volunteer:

Each year a NEW volunteer registration packet must be completed. Part of this registration is a background check, volunteers must have a Washington State Driver’s License. 

Once you are cleared to Volunteer:

Tracking the Volunteer Hours:

We track volunteer hours.  Please log your volunteer hours using this QR code.

OIES OE volunteer handbook draft.docx

Volunteering for Outdoor Experiences?

Complete the Volunteer Packet, and read the guide to the left!

Driving for a Field Trip?

Complete the Volunteer Packet and Complete the Diver Information to the Right

Additional Driver Packet for Field Trips 23-24.pdf

OISD/OIES Parent and Family Engagement Plan - HIGHLIGHTS

OIES (Orcas Island Elementary School) is committed to the goal of providing quality education for every child in this district. To this end, we want to establish partnerships with parents and with the community. 

OIES recognizes that some students may need the extra assistance available through a targeted intervention to reach the state’s high academic standards. All students not at “benchmarK (grade level in reading will have an individualized student learning plan developed, which includes regular progress monitoring.  

The OISD/OIES Parent and Family Engagement Plan Is updated and available on our school and district web page. Comments and suggestions can be made ANY TIME to the school principal, office manager or any staff member.