Basic School Information

Typical Daily Schedule

Typical School Day Schedule:

8:00 School Library is Open and Available to Return and Check Out Books

8:10 Campus Opens to Students - Please do not drop off students prior to 8:10 - No Supervision is available.

8:10 Cafeteria opens for breakfast for all elementary students.

8:20 Building Opens for Students to Enter. 

Parents are encouraged to say “goodbye” to students as they leave their car or at the front door.

8:30 School Begins

8:45 K-5th English Language Arts   

10:45 - 11:30 Kindergarten Recess (20 minutes) then Lunch (25 minutes) - 

10:55 - 11:40 1st, 2nd Grades Recess (20 minutes) then Lunch (25 minutes) - 

11:20 - 12:05 OIMP Recess (20 minutes) then Lunch (25 minutes) - 

11:25 - 12:10 3rd Grade Recess (20 minutes) then Lunch (25 minutes) - 

11:30 - 12:15 4th and 5th Grades Recess (20 minutes) then Lunch (25 minutes) - 

More Recess/Movement Breaks for all Grades are added as needed each day!

Afternoon K-5th 60-90 minutes of Math

 K-5th 45-60 minutes of Science and Social Studies 

55 minute “Specials” for ALL students will happen every afternoon.  Each class receives 1 Music, 2 PE times, 1 Farm to Classroom time AND 1 Creative Arts Time (Art and Bucket Drumming). 4th and 5th grade students have most specials right before recess and lunch at 10:35.  5th grade band and strings is one of the specials that happens before recess and lunch.

2:15 Parents plan to arrive a 2:10 for pick up

WEDNESDAY DISMISSAL - Staff participate in Professional Learning Communities (Staff Development)

3:15 Parents plan to arrive at 3:10 for pick up

Dismissal, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday

Other Important Information

School Visitors and Parents in the Building - Visitors and parents are welcome on our campus and in our buildings.  

An interpreter will be available to assist with communication from 8:20-8:45 every day, ask our elementary office manager to connect the interpreter to you!

Recess/Movement Breaks - Movement is important for all elementary students.  Besides the scheduled 20 minute recess break before lunch, teachers take regular movement / recess breaks as needed throughout the day.  These breaks may be in the form of walking the track, outside free play, indoor breaks for games, choice time or “go noodle” movement breaks.

Snacks - Some students need a snack break either in the morning or afternoon and some do not.  All teachers recognize that it is challenging for a “hungry” student to learn and will always accommodate students as needed.  Some classes schedule regular snack breaks - if your child’s classroom does not have a regular snack break and your child needs a snack break, simply reach out to your child’s teacher, a plan can be arranged.

Tardies and Attendance - In accordance with RCW 28A.225.005, regular school attendance is required and is important for success in school. Washington State Law, the Becca Bill, requires that all children regularly attend school or participate in an approved home school program.  Chronic absenteeism and tardiness are a concern, even if the absences and tardies are excused. OIES will use the following process to notify parents of absenteeism and tardy concerns:

Tardies - If a student is late to school, they must report to the office before going to class


Absences - When a student is absent, a parent/guardian must call or email the school to state the reason for the absence. An excused absence is for a doctor, dentist, illness, mental health, or family emergency.  If a student returns to school without an excuse, the school is required to contact the parent.  

Unexcused Absences - 

Excused Absences - 

Spirit Days - We have scheduled spirit days throughout the year. These are special days where students can dress according to certain themes.  More details will follow about each specific day.   

Assemblies - Assemblies will happen throughout the year typically on Fridays, from 2:20-3:00.  Information about upcoming assemblies will be sent via school messenger and found in our weekly newsletter.  Parents are encouraged to attend and share in our school spirit!


Lost and Found - Please label all items your child brings to school: clothing (sweaters, caps and jackets), as well as lunch boxes, backpacks and musical instrument cases.  Unclaimed clothing will be donated to a worthy cause after one month.

Cell Phone / Personal Electronic Device Policy - At the elementary school level, no cell phone, or smart watches may be used in a classroom, building or playground without the permission of the classroom teacher.  During the school day, cell phones and smart watches must be turned off and stored in the student’s backpack.  If a cell phone, smart watch, or other electronic device is used in a class without the permission of the teacher, the item is taken to the office and kept in the office until the end of the day. The student may pick up their item at the end of the day.

Dress Code - Students are expected to wear clothing appropriate to the school setting.  T-shirts must not display inappropriate pictures or language, for instance those with references to tobacco or alcohol products are not allowed. Shorts must be no shorter than mid-thigh length.  Tops with exposed midriffs are not allowed at school.  

Curriculum - Within our school, we work in collaborative teams to implement and integrate the Washington State Learning Standards in all subject areas. Teachers are continuing to be trained in GLAD (Guided Language Acquisition Design) to support their instructional practices.  We monitor student learning and target interventions / extensions as appropriate for each child. 


Homework - We value family time, and understand the need for children to play.  We encourage families to read together as much as possible.  Each individual classroom teacher will address student needs regarding homework.  If your child is in 3rd-5th grade and is using their in class time wisely, they should not have more than an average of 30 minutes of homework each night, including reading.  If homework becomes frustrating, please communicate with your child’s teacher.

Student Assessments - Assessments fall into a few general categories: screenings, classroom-based, and annual state assessments (for students in 3rd-5th grade). 


approximately 2 times per year.

Classroom Based Assessments -

Annual State Assessments -

Library Books - Kindergartners can check out a book each week at library time. This is to foster knowledge of the library, help them learn responsibility by borrowing and taking care of books, and to give them access to reading materials.

1st-3rd can check out up to 3 books. No checkouts if a book is overdue.

4th-6th can check out up to 5 books. No checkouts if a book is overdue.

7th-12 can check out up to 10 books. No checkouts if a book is overdue.

The Library is open each morning at 8:00 to check out and return Library Books!